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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Favourite faces of 2009 Competition

Today the facebook fan page for Lyn Walkerden Photography was launched and to celebrate we are holding a fun competition with some wonderful prizes to be won. Below you will see a selection of 40 photos from sessions held over the last 12 months.

facebook comp 1
facebook comp 2

To vote for your favourite photo, visit the facebook fan page here and become a fan. If you double click on the photo you like you will be able to leave a comment below that particular photo. You can vote up to five times, but only once for each photo.

The photo with the most votes will win a 20x30 gallery wrap canvas of their favourite photo from their session or a $300 credit towards their next photo session with Lyn Walkerden Photography.

Everyone who votes goes in the draw to win one of five $150 print voucher to be redeeemed at their next photo session with Lyn Walkerden Photography.

Invite all of your friends and get them voting for your photo. The voting closes at midnight on 27 December and the winner will be announced on the evening of Monday 28 December.

If you are one of the few people left without a Facebook account you can leave one vote in the comments of this blog post making a note of your favourite photo by number. If you vote via the blog and not Facebook, be sure to leave your name and check back to see if you have won. Voters on Facebook will be contacted via the Facebook message system if they win a prize.

Now get voting and best of luck!


Blog Archive

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Please take the time to browse the galleries to see samples of my work. Follow the links at the top of the page to find information about what to expect in a photography session with me and how to contact me to make a booking. I will use this blog to post sneak peeks for clients and also to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with my two beautiful children. I hope you enjoy your visit.

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