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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Thursday, December 31, 2009

And the winners are.....

The Favourite Faces of 2009 Competition was a great success with over 100 new fans of the Lyn Walkerden Photography facebook page joining in the fun. In a close finish the winner of the 20x30" gallery wrap canvas was..... drum roll please ......

Beautiful Miss E

Just for voting the following 5 people won a $150 print voucher to use at their next custom photography session with Lyn Walkerden Photography...

Mell Moulin, Rachel Keyte, Keryn Salzman, Heidi Dawson and Daryl O'Brien.

Congratulations to you all!


Blog Archive

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Please take the time to browse the galleries to see samples of my work. Follow the links at the top of the page to find information about what to expect in a photography session with me and how to contact me to make a booking. I will use this blog to post sneak peeks for clients and also to keep friends and family updated on what is happening with my two beautiful children. I hope you enjoy your visit.

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