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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Friday, January 28, 2011

The January Photo a Day Project - week two {Sydney Child Photographer}

January 8 - Freeloader

Once the heat of the day had passed we took the opportunity to head out for a family bike ride to the lake.  We are very lucky to live in a great place for cycling.  We have several kilometres of bike trails running through our suburb and leading to a lovely lake.  It's safe, relatively flat and starts outside our front door.  If you look closely at the image on the left you might notice that Max's feet are not on the pedals of the tag-a-long bike.  He is notorious for mucking around and putting his feet anywhere but on the pedals but when he does pedal he has really strong legs and he can propel the person on the front of the bike at a surprising pace.  The image on the right was taken when we reached the lake.  

January 8 - freeloader

January 9 - Birthday Party
Today M&M were invited to a 4th birthday party for Sophie (the little cutie in the middle).  I had decided this morning that my photo of the day would be of the three of them together.  Big mistake!  I should know by now, never go into the PAD with a definite idea of what you want to achieve if my kids are to be in the photo.  I picked this shot, snap shotty as it is, because it shows their personalities so well.  Molly is talking as usual, Max is sort of cooperating but not looking at the camera and Sophie is hating that she's being squished between the two of them when I asked them to get up nice and close.  It makes me laugh so here it is.  My photo of the day!

January 9 - Birthday Party

January 10 - Movie Time
It was a rainy day today so after a spot of shopping this morning, we had a relaxing afternoon at home.  Molly is crazy for anything Harry Potter at the moment and has watched the first 4 movies and read the first two books.  Here she is watching the 5th movie - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.  She made it about half way through before taking a break.  The Harry Potter story lines get so much more complex as they go along and she is struggling to understand what's going on through most of the movie.  Even so she loves it.  I liked that this shot shows her varied tastes with the baby doll in the foreground.  As much as she tries to be grown up she is still very much my little girl.

January 10 - Movie time

January 11 - Crazy Times
Madness descended upon my house today and it was FUN!!!  No less than three sets of photographers' children and they all agreed to have their photo taken (with some persuasion).  They played great together all day and boy were they loud!  Molly was the number one culprit for lack of volume control.  This was just before they put on a show for us complete with singing and dancing.

January 11 - Crazy times

January 12 - Two from the Park
I cheated and chose two photos today.  I was spoilt for choice after our visit to the park.  I took this first image while asking Molly to tell me what she has enjoyed most so far about these school holidays and what is on her "must do list" for the time we have left.   Her favourite thing was spending time with Mummy and Daddy and the must do activity was a visit to the aquarium.

January 12 - reflection

Max is sporting his brand new bike helmet which I am pleased to say fits him so much better.  Here he was hiding from his sister behind a tree.

January 12 - you can't see me

January 13 - Kinectimals
We had a lazy day at home today so it was a good chance to break out the Xbox360 that Santa brought and play the kinectimals game. The kids adore it.  Here Max is teaching his cub some new tricks.

January 13 - Kinectimals

January 14 - One Man's Trash ....
A quick shot this afternoon between work and errands.  These Christmas cowboy hats were headed to the rubbish at Hubby's work so he grabbed them for the kids.  Max was not at all in the mood for this photo but to his credit he did sit still!

January 14 - One man's trash...


Sharon Mallin January 28, 2011 at 10:42 PM  

Your kids are so adorable Lyn. I still giggle at Day 11 x

gemma higgins-sears January 29, 2011 at 11:52 AM  

oh i LOVE day 11 & 12, beautiful work!!

Leanne Stamatellos January 29, 2011 at 2:06 PM  

I love day 11 too - that's so funny!

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