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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Amazing Autumn Colour - Sydney Child Photographer

I simply adore Autumn. It is my absolute favourite time of year. I love the mild days, such respite from the heat of summer, the cool evenings, the soft light and of course the stunning colours of the falling leaves. I have a favourite place to visit at this special time of year to take in all of those delicious Autumn colours and I have been making a pilgrimage there for the last three years. This year I got to enjoy it with a wonderful family who won a gift voucher through a competition I held on facebook earlier in the year. I have known this family for over 6 years and love to photograph them. So here are a few of my favourite images from the day.

Declan SB-Edit

Miss E

Autumn SB-Edit

Autumn 2 SB-Edit

Thanks for a great day L, E & D. It was great fun catching up with you again.


Tanya June 7, 2010 at 11:10 AM  

LOVE these Lyn! Stunning Autumn colours!

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