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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Alexander's Christening

When I was first contacted by Katrina about photographing Alexander's Christening I had no idea of the scale of this special event. Not being of the Greek Orthodox faith I found this a fascinating ceremony and celebration to witness and to document. The warmth of this family and the love and support of their friends was a joy to behold.

I met the family at the church and when I drove up it seemed, from the outside, to be much like many other churches.

Well wasn't I in for a wonderful surprise when I stepped through the doors and saw this....

An amazing church

And it got even better when that amazing chandelier was turned on as the seats filled with family and friends.

More of the amazing church

The alter was all prepared for the ritual to come. The details were very special indeed.

details SB

Alexander was so relaxed as his Godfather took him from his mother's arms for the ceremony.

Big brother Pericles waited patiently to play his very important role.

Big Brother

Alexander continued to be very relaxed as he was undressed by his Grandmothers and then rubbed with oils and submerged in the water.


It was only as he was being dressed again that he cried, but only a little.

Later, at the reception, there were big smiles.....

.....and wonderful warm speeches.

Even big brother Pericles has a few words to say.

Katrina, thanks for choosing me to document your special day. You did an amazing job of creating an event to be remembered forever. Your boys are a credit to you both. Enjoy your sneak peek. Your full gallery is not far away. I will be in touch soon.


cazz May 17, 2010 at 9:17 AM  

wow Lyn...you've done a spectacular job! Beautiful memories for the family!

Anonymous May 17, 2010 at 9:25 AM  

Great job Lyn. What a wonderful church !

Kris McCann

LK May 17, 2010 at 9:47 AM  

You did a great job Lyn! Beautiful detail shots and lovely, vibrant colours!

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