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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kristen and Michael's Wedding

Recently I photographed a very special wedding with Tanya Tindale. Kristen and Michael were the most relaxed couple I have ever encountered yet every little detail of their wedding was just perfect. The wedding was held at Carss Park on top of the hill and the weather threw everything at us. We had strong winds, cloud, sunshine and even a sprinkling of rain right at the end, but nothing could dampen the spirits of this wonderful couple, or of their family and friends.

Kristen and Michael have a beautiful one year old boy who, most conveniently, began walking just a week or so before the wedding. This meant he was able to walk down the aisle to perform his ring bearing duties. He was SO adorable! Here he is hanging out with Daddy before the ceremony and practicing walking the red carpet....


On the move

and here is the real deal, first down the aisle and then Mummy saying hi as she walked past.


The ceremony was beautiful and Kristen's parents were there in spirit. Sadly they have both passed away so Kristen was walked down the aisle by her three brothers. This photo of Kristen's parents on their own wedding day watched over the events.


I love this photo of Michael. He is so very pleased to have snagged this beautiful woman!



Here is the gorgeous bride surrounded by her brothers. They are such a wonderfully warm family.


The flower girls carried balloons, not flowers, so I guess that makes them balloon girls??


After the ceremony we gathered everyone together for a group shot in front of the historic Carss Cottage


Then we whisked the bridal party away for more photos in this beautiful park. Here is a small selection, OK maybe not so small, but I love them all and I couldn't choose just a few.





There were plenty of laughs as Michael revealed his cheeky side.



K & M



This beret had belonged to Kristen's mother.


As it started to sprinkle we had some fun with an umbrella

Windy Wedding



Kristen and Michael, thanks for allowing Tanya and I to be a part of your wedding day. It was beautiful, touching and a whole lot of laughs. We can't wait to show you the rest of your photos when you return from your honeymoon.


Anonymous March 26, 2010 at 7:25 AM  

lovely lyn.. again it was a pleasure working with you... and yes master J was just a beautiful little paige boy hey..


Susan Wall March 26, 2010 at 9:23 AM  

They are stunning shots Lyn, of a beautiful couple. I love their amazing, warm and honest smiles!

Melody G March 26, 2010 at 1:46 PM  

Just beautiful Lyn!

I love the one of the beautiful bride with her proud brothers!

So precious!

Great work babe!

LBA March 27, 2010 at 9:04 AM  

Wow - big share, Lyn .. I love, love, love the umbrella ones - what a happy day you've captured


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