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Sydney Based ~ On Location ~ Natural Light ~ Child and Family Photographer

Monday, January 18, 2010

A family of girls

The eldest girl in this gorgeous family dances with my daughter. Her mother is a photographer so she spends all her time behind the lens and has no family photos with her in them, an occupational hazard. So my mission on Saturday was to get a portrait of the whole family together worthy of being hung on the wall. Sounds simple? Well actually it was quite a challenge thanks to one very active 18 month old, but a lot of fun. Here's a sneak peek of the session.

Walk with me

More curls

The girls thought I was completely mad here lying on the ground asking them to walk towards me. I love their expressions, like they aren't sure if it is safe to approach the crazy lady with the camera.

Pretty maids all in a row

Too fast for me

fairy fluff

I think this is my favourite shot of the day. A friend who saw it called it a "Marilyn moment" and I thought that was perfect.

Fiona I hope I have managed to complete my mission and you will be hanging a portrait of your beautiful family on your wall very soon. The rest of your gallery is just a few days away.


Narrelle January 19, 2010 at 8:16 AM  

These are so lovely. What beautiful little girls they have!

Kristy Bradford January 19, 2010 at 1:43 PM  

Ohhh so adorable! They all have such beautiful hair too, Great job!

Melanie January 19, 2010 at 7:04 PM  

Lyn, these are great.

Chrissy Torney January 20, 2010 at 9:57 AM  

Lovely images Lyn - I love the walking on the bridge shots!

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